Philippians 4:7; " The peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."
The Apostle Paul gives us instruction and encouragement that God has a peace for the believer in Christ Jesus.
The first thing we need to understand is that the source of our peace is found only in Jesus. We have peace with God, and we should have peace in us in the world we live in. Jesus didn't live in the world filled with anxiousness or trepidation, or worry. Why? Paul gives us the answer.
The peace of God guards our hearts and minds. To often our peace is lost because we allow our emotions to determine our feelings. We live by how we feel. Some days we feel like conqueror's then other days we live defeated. All of this is coming from our emotions and we allow the mind to take us on an emotional roller coaster. We think in our minds of all the possibilities of the moment and allow the mind to spin out of control. Our understanding becomes clouded by the suggestions of the enemy.
As a born again believer we must understand a powerful truth. This truth will guard your heart and mind. God Himself lives in YOU. He has taken up residence in your spirit and He will always be there. The Spirit of God will never leave you. He is there for eternity. When the emotions begin to rise up and you think He has left. The Spirit of God is still there with the peace that passes all understanding. A peace to guard your heart from the emotional tsunami trying to form in your heart. The Spirit will cover you with peace to guard your mind. The peace of God is always there. Reposition your mind and heart toward God knowing He lives in YOU!
-Pastor Mark