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Check out what's going on with Center Chapel and how you can get involved.

GCRM Walk a Mile

The Grant County Rescue Mission’s next Walk a Mile is Saturday, February 22nd at the Grant County YMCA. Registration begins at 8 am with the walk starting at 9 am. You can register to walk or donate at This isn’t just a walk, it’s a movement of hope, love, and change! Join others to help raise awareness and funds for the GCRM. Every step you take is a step toward hope for someone in crisis right here in Grant County.

Dance Ministry


The dance ministry is seeking fellow worshippers for the Palm Sunday and Easter worship dance. Men, Women, and children of all ages are welcome! Please use the sign up sheet located in the church foyer if interested! First practice for adults

will begin on Monday, February 3rd from 6:30-8 pm. The children will receive a flyer with their information.

Secure give mobile app

SecureGive Mobile app users (iPhone and Android) will be able to continue using the current version of the app for now with the exception of Android users who are not updated to OS 13 or newer. This is not a SecureGive requirement - it is a Google Play requirement. However, we ask you to encourage all of your mobile app donors to update their app for the best mobile experience.

Meal Train

The church is beginning a meal train ministry that helps to organize meals for those in need. If you are interested in being placed on the email list when there is a need, please write your name and email on the sheet in the church foyer or contact the office for more information. Once the church is aware of a need an email with a link to the meal train will be sent out to those interested in volunteering. It will show you the days food is needed, delivery instructions, and allow you to sign up. Being on the emial list doesn't obligate you to donate, it just helps the church be able to have as many volunteers be aware of the need and help provide a meal if and when they are able.

Sign up Online

Church Directory Sign Up

Copies of the printed church directory are located on the table along with forms to fill out if you would like to be added to the directory. Only those who have filled out a form are able to access the directory as it is protected by having a confirmed email. You will also find an information sheet on how to access the directory on your phone through an app and online.

Sign up Online

One Call Sign up

If you are not receiving the church updated, you can sign up by filling out a form in the foyer and leaving in the church box marked secretary. When you sign up you will receive prayer requests, food truck arrivals, and church announcements through either email, text, or phone call.

Sign up Online

Center Chapel of marion



8733 E. 200 S.

Marion, IN 46953

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