Romans 8:14-16
The Apostle Paul teaches us we have been adopted by God. The adoption takes place the moment we confess from our spirit that Jesus is the Son of God and the Father raised Him from the dead. When we have been regenerated/born again we receive adoption papers in our spirit. The “Spirit of God bears witness to our spirit.” Let’s compare our natural birth to our supernatural birth.
When I was conceived in my mother’s womb by my father’s seed, I had no input in the conception of being born. When I was born, I received my father’s name (last name) I was identified as a Sanders. I didn’t choose to be a Sanders; I was born a Sanders.
It is the same when we are “Born Again” We might think we choose to be born again, but we really didn’t. The Spirit of God stirred in our spirit to respond to God’s invitation, to be His child. But it started with God. God choose to put His Spirit in our spirit. And when that happened, we were born again. Just as we were born naturally without a choice, we are reborn supernaturally without a choice. God chose to give us a new birth.
Let’s take this a step further, we are children of God born of His Spirit. Paul teaches us, “Those who are led by the Spirit are sons/daughters of God. To be led by the Spirit is something we choose. Until we are lead, we stay children. When we are lead, we are maturing into sons and daughters. As sons and daughters who are led by the Spirit, who are empowered by the Spirit to do what sons and daughters of the King do. Which is expanding His Kingdom. Invading the kingdom of darkness with the Power of God. We are sons and daughters because God chose us to be. Let us life today knowing who we are, and doing what we have been chosen to do.
Pastor Mark